Facial and body treatment

Fraxel® Dual 

The Fraxel® laser is a non-ablative resurfacing laser used to improve the health and appearance of the skin. For more than 20 years, it has been considered one of the most effective and versatile resurfacing laser treatments. Its patented technology makes it possible to treat a wide range of skin problems such as skin aging, pigmentation, scars, stretch marks and much more.
Facial and body treatment

What is the Fraxel® Dual laser?

The Fraxel® DUAL 1550/1927 is a non-ablative fractional resurfacing laser that stimulates the production of new collagen and replaces cells damaged by the normal aging process or unprotected exposure to the sun. It thus improves the health and appearance of the skin. The skin becomes smoother and younger looking.
The Fraxel® DUAL includes two wavelengths, 1550nm and 1927nm, allowing us to treat a wide range of dermatological conditions such as fine lines and wrinkles, pigment spots, scars, stretch marks, etc. Depending on the targeted condition and treatment plan, our professionals use a combination of these two wavelengths to achieve the best results.
As the Fraxel® DUAL 1550/1927 is a fractional laser, it treats only a fraction of the tissue at a time, leaving the surrounding tissue intact and promoting faster recovery and requiring less down time than other, more invasive ablative treatments.
For 20 years, Fraxel® has been one of the most widely used and appreciated resurfacing lasers by health professionals working in dermatology and aesthetic medicine. Several studies have demonstrated its effectiveness and safety for all skin types.
The Rejuvena Approach

How does a Fraxel® Dual session work?

Since our goal is to offer you personalized, effective and safe treatment, a complete evaluation will be carried out beforehand. This will allow us to determine if treatment with Fraxel® DUAL is the best option for you and to ensure that there are no contraindications to proceeding.
Here are the steps for your first consultation:
Review of your medical record
We will discuss your medical history, medication, allergies and previous treatments.
The photos are kept in your medical file and allow you to evaluate the results of the treatments.
Discussion of your concerns
Your professional will discuss your expectations and make suggestions to meet your needs. The areas to be treated will be identified.
Consent review
We will answer your questions.
Here are the steps of the Fraxel® DUAL treatment:
Step 1:
The area to be treated is cleaned.
Step 2:
A topical anesthetic is applied to the skin for 60 minutes to make the treatment more comfortable.
Step 3:
Before treatment, the topical anesthetic is removed with a dry compress.
Step 4:
Eye protection is applied before the laser is used.
Step 5:
The treatment is usually done in 30 minutes.
A personalized approach

Why choose Clinique Rejuvena?

All treatments at Clinique Rejuvena are delivered either by or under the direct, immediate supervision of a physician, and every member of our team shares the same core values essential to any successful medical practice: rigor, excellence, and empathy.
Fraxel® Dual


How many treatments are needed to achieve optimal results?
The number of sessions required varies depending on the problem to be corrected. Although the response varies from person to person, a series of 1-3 treatments is required for superficial skin conditions while 4-6 treatments are required for more severe conditions. Treatments are spaced 6 weeks apart. Thereafter, a maintenance treatment should be performed annually in order to maintain results.
How to properly prepare your skin before a treatment?
  • Discontinue exfoliating products or any other topical anti-aging treatment at least two weeks before treatment: retinoid, retinol, glycolic acid, etc.
  • Discontinue anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Naproxen, Aspirin) two weeks before treatment
  • Patients who suffer from occasional cold sores should take a prophylactic medication such as Valtrex before the session.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 2 to 4 weeks before treatment.
What to expect after treatment?

The response to treatment varies depending on the condition being treated, the characteristics of each individual and the treatment protocol.

Immediately after treatment, patients report a sunburn-like sensation accompanied by redness and swelling. When the targeted problem is superficial, patients may experience redness and flaking for a few days. When the condition is deeper, for example if the Fraxel® DUAL treatment is to reduce acne scars, the redness and flaking can last up to 7 days. Patients can use makeup to cover the areas that were treated.

  • Sun exposure: It is important to avoid direct sun exposure from the first session until 3 months after the end of the treatments. The use of sun protection with an SPF of at least 30 is recommended.
  • Avoid sweating activities, swimming, and makeup on the day of your appointment.
What are the contraindications to Fraxel® DUAL treatment?

Processing may not be carried out if:

  • Use of Accutane or other medications in the same class in the past 12 months
  • Recent use of retinoid or retinol
  • Presence of a suspicious lesion on the skin
  • Presence of active infection
  • Predisposition to keloid-like lesions or excessive wound healing following an injury
  • Predisposition to hyperpigmentation
  • Taking oral corticosteroids
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding

A complete evaluation including a health questionnaire will be carried out by your healthcare professional before the first treatment to ensure that you are a good candidate and that the treatment is carried out safely.

Want to learn more?
Come meet our team of experts for a personalized consultation.