Gummy Smile
Gummy smile occurs when the upper gums are exposed excessively when smiling. This condition can affect the aesthetic perception of the smile and affect self-confidence.
What causes gummy smile?
Usually, the gummy smile is associated with an overactive muscle that lifts the upper lip or the muscle around the mouth.

Treatments for Gummy Smile
What treatments are offered for a gummy smile at Clinique Rejuvena?
The treatment of the gummy smile is carried out with neuromodulators. Our professional injectors will determine with you the optimal dosage to treat gummy smile and achieve the desired result.
The Rejuvena Approach
Our personalized approach
At Clinique Rejuvena, our priority is to provide you with effective and safe treatments. Our highly qualified staff is attentive to the needs of each patient and individualized treatments are designed and planned to meet your expectations.
Gummy Smile
How long do the effects of neuromodulators for gummy smile treatment last?
The effects of the treatment last on average of 3 to 4 months. To maintain the results, it is necessary to repeat the treatment within this interval.