
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweating) 

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating occurs mainly in the armpits, hands and feet. In rare cases, it can affect most of the body, and negatively affect the daily life and comfort of those who suffer from it.

What causes hyperhidrosis?

Sweating is normal and mainly serves to regulate body temperature. Excessive sweating, on the other hand, is the result of an overactivity of the glands responsible for the production of sweat. In the armpit area in particular, this causes unsightly stains and an unpleasant odor. Hyperhidrosis affects both men and women.
treatment for hyperhidrosis

What treatments are offered for hyperhidrosis at Clinique Rejuvena?

Several treatments exist to address hyperhydrosis. At Clinique Rejuvena, we offer neuromodulator injections to treat this condition.
The Rejuvena Approach

Our personalized approach

At Clinique Rejuvena, our priority is to provide you with effective and safe treatments. Our highly qualified staff is attentive to the needs of each patient and individualized treatments are designed and planned to meet your expectations.


How long does the effect of treating hyperhidrosis with neuromodulators last?
The effectiveness of neuromodulator treatment for excessive sweating lasts about 6 months.

Call to book a consultation with one of our professionals.