Hyperpigmentation usually appear as featureless brown patches. They often appear on skin in areas that are regularly exposed to the sun such as the face, hands, neck and décolleté. Pigment spots give the complexion a dull and uneven appearance.
What causes hyperpigmentation?
Disturbances in melanin production can lead to the appearance of brown spotting on the skin. Several factors can cause these disturbances:
- Unprotected exposure to UV rays
- Smoking
- Hormonal imbalances (e.g., pregnancy)
- Age
- Heredity
- Certain medications

Treatments for hyperpigmentation
What treatments are offered for hyperpigmentation at Clinique Rejuvena?
In addition to daily sunscreen and brightening skin care products, there are clinically effective solutions that are highly effective in reducing pigment spots. We offer the following treatments:
The Rejuvena Approach
Our personalized approach
At Clinique Rejuvena, our priority is to provide you with effective and safe treatments. Our highly qualified staff is attentive to the needs of each patient and individualized treatments are designed and planned to meet your expectations.
How can I prevent the appearance of dark spots?
Some factors are unavoidable and cannot be changed. However, others can be addressed to minimize the appearance of dark spots and maintain a brighter complexion:
- Avoid unprotected sun exposure
- Wear sunscreen to exposed areas every day
- Avoid smoking: In addition to being essential for overall good health, quitting smoking will allow you to maintain an even and more radiant complexion.
- Use products targeted to your skin type
Are dark spots dangerous?
In the majority of cases, pigment spots are harmless to health and are simply an aesthetic inconvenience. However, if you notice any changes (size, colouring, relief, etc.) in any pigment spots, it is important to discuss them with your doctor.