

Scarring occurs when a layer of skin is damaged during trauma, infection, or an inflammatory reaction. When healing progresses normally, a scar forms that blends in rather well with the skin. However, there are some healing abnormalities that lead to the formation of more visible and unsightly-looking scars. The final appearance of a scar depends on several factors, including the type of skin, its location, the type of injury, the age and the medical condition of the person.

The different types of scars

Scars are divided into 6 different types:
  1. Flat scars: Flat or white scars are scars that do not show elevation or depression, but appear lighter than the surrounding skin. They are usually the result of a loss of pigmentation after a wound has healed.
  2. Atrophic scars: These scars result from insufficient collagen production during the skin’s healing process, which causes hollow scars. In 80-90% of cases, acne scars are depressed scars.
    There are 3 types:
    – Ice pick
    – Depressed scar with pronounced edges (Boxcar)
    – Depressed scar with shallow edges (Rolling)
  3. Keloid scars: These scars are the result of an overly aggressive healing process. They extend beyond the initial injury. Keloid scars are more common in dark-skinned people and in people with a genetic predisposition.
  4. Hypertrophic scars: These are raised red scars that resemble keloids but do not extend beyond the limit of the wound. They often occur in the first few weeks after the trauma and can regress spontaneously.
  5. Contractures: This type of scar can occur as a result of a large burn. The new scar tissue is thicker and tighter and can therefore limit movement.
  6. Stretch marks: Stretch marks usually appear when the skin grows or shrinks rapidly, such as during pregnancy, rapid weight loss or gain, or adolescence.
treatments for scars

What treatments are offered for scars at Clinique Rejuvena?

It is important to note that treatments for scars will only improve their appearance and will not completely eliminate them. The choice of treatment depends on the type of scar and it may happen that several treatment modalities are suggested together.
At Clinique Rejuvena, we offer the following treatments to diminish the appearance of scars:
The Rejuvena Approach

Our personalized approach

At Clinique Rejuvena, our priority is to treat you safely and effectively. Our highly trained staff is attentive to the needs of each patient and individualized treatments are designed and planned to meet expectations.


How can I prevent scarring?

In order for the healing process to be more effective, it is recommended to:

  • Protect treated areas of scarring from the sun’s rays. These rays can compromise healing and increase the risk of permanent and unsightly scarring
  • Avoid smoking
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • For patients with diabetes, maintain appropriate blood sugar levels

Call to book a consultation with one of our professionals.