Skin Tags
A skin tag is a small, benign skin growth that can vary in size, often located in areas of skin folds. They are painless and pose no health risk.
What causes skin tags?
Although the exact cause of skin tag development remains unknown, there are some factors that contribute to their appearance:
- Rubbing of the skin against clothing or in skin folds
- Genetic factors
- Hormonal factors such as pregnancy
- Being overweight
- Diabetes

Treatment for skin tags
What treatments are offered for skin tags at Clinique Rejuvena?
The Rejuvena Approach
Our personalized approach
At Clinique Rejuvena, our priority is to provide you with effective and safe treatments. Our highly qualified staff is attentive to the needs of each patient and individualized treatments are designed and planned to meet your expectations.
Skin tags
How are skin tags removed?
Several techniques exist to remove skin tags. For example, surgery, cauterization, electrocoagulation, and cryotherapy are treatments used for the removal of skin tags.
Is skin tag removal painful?
Prior to treatment, a local anesthetic is injected at the site of the skin tag, which makes the procedure painless.
Which areas of the body are most affected?
Skin tags appear most frequently in the neck, armpits, groin, and inner thighs. Areas where there are folds of skin are more susceptible to developing skin tags.